All disease begins in the gut.
– Hippocrates
You have probably heard this many times before, this is because the importance of gut health cannot be overstated.
Research shows gut health is essential to overall health. An unhealthy gut contributes to a wide range of diseases including diabetes, obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, autism, heart disease, cancer, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome just to name a few.
Bacteria in the digestive system are capable of impacting not only our digestion, but our hormone regulation, immune response, mood, toxin elimination, and vitamin/ mineral absorption.
Such an important part of the body should be well taken-care of, however knowing exactly what is needed isn’t always obvious.
We can make assumptions by looking at different signs and symptoms, however really looking closely at the bacteria present (this is known as the microbiome) as well as what is deficient in the gut, we get a much clearer picture of why particular symptoms are occurring and how to treat the underlying causes.
Looking closely at the microbiome allows us to target exactly what we need to to promote healing in the best and fastest way.
This is why microbiome testing has become the top priority for many people with any health complaint as well as for those with a desire to truly understand what they can do to look after their own health optimally.
If you are ready to book a Microbiome test, click HERE.
And keep reading to learn more…
The human gut contains an incredible 100 trillion microorganisms. In fact, there are 10 times more bacteria in the human body than our own cells.
With these numbers, we are actually more bacteria than we are human!
This collection of bacteria living in our gastrointestinal tract is our GUT MICROBIOME.
Healthy microbiome promotes normal digestive function, protects against infection, regulates metabolism, and houses more than 75% of our immune system.
When our gut microbiome is unhealthy, we are unhealthy…
There are a number of things which could be causing unhealthy gut microbiome?
• Antibiotics
• Medications such as birth control and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen/panadol
• High intake of refined carbohydrates, sugar, processed foods
• Low intake of fermentable fibre (soluble fibre found naturally in fruits, vegetables, starches, nuts, and seeds)
• Gluten and industrial seed oils that cause leaky gut (more about leaky gut below)
• Chronic stress
• Chronic infections
• Excessive exercise
• Mould exposure
• Excess alcohol consumption
• PPIs (proton pump inhibitors for acid reflux)
• Environmental & food toxins
The gut is essentially a hollow tube that begins at the mouth and ends at the anus. It allows the nutrients we require to enter the body and bloodstream while also preventing harmful substances from crossing into the body and bloodstream.
This critical function of allowing the correct substances into our body can be impaired when the barrier isn’t functioning correctly, this is known as “leaky gut” or “intestinal permeability”.
This is where the integrity of the intestinal tract lining becomes compromised, tight junctions open and large protein molecules pass through the GUT lining and into the bloodstream.
In response, the immune system mounts an attack against these foreign invaders. This response is linked to the development of autoimmune disorders like hashimoto’s, celiac disease, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other conditions where the body is essentially attacking itself.
Symptoms of an unhealthy microbiome may manifest in a number of ways: weight gain, bloating, stomach cramps, irritable bowel syndrome, fatigue, skin disorders like acne, eczema and psoriasis, heart failure, thyroid disorders like hashimoto’s, joint disorders like rheumatoid arthritis, brain fog, depression, autism, headaches, sinus issues, allergies, asthma, chronic fatigue, lack of energy, along with many other symptoms.
To heal your gut and address these health conditions, you must rebuild your gut microbiome and restore the integrity of the intestinal tract.
To do this optimally, we need to know what your Microbiome looks like and what bacteria you are either missing or have too much of. The Microbiome test shows us the bacteria you have as well as giving us an indication of the health of your intestinal lining and what we need to focus on to improve your health.
Microbiome Testing can be the key to unlocking the missing piece of your health protocol.
If you experience any of the following or any of the other issues mentioned in this post and have struggled to treat the condition you will very likely benefit from having a Gut Microbiome Test.
- bloating
- stomach cramps
- gas
- food sensitivities
- hormonal imbalances
- depression
- anxiety
- regular headaches or migraines
- acne
- skin allergies or rashes
- fatigue
- iron deficiency
- weight issues
- recurrent colds and flus
- sinus infections or allergies
Once we get the results of your test we can create the exact protocol your body requires to repair and heal.
To book a Gut Microbiome Test Click Here