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Absolute Red Goji Berries


ABSOLUTE RED “super” grade dried goji berries are grown in the premier goji growing area of the NingXia Valley in North Central China, along the Yellow River where the soil in rich in nutrients and trace mineral.

Not only are they grown in the ‘herbal heart of China’ but these particular berries are grown on a dedicated 1000 hectares and are the “super” grade which costs around 40% more than the smaller “grade A” berries more commonly sold.

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ABSOLUTE RED “super” grade dried goji berries are grown in the premier goji growing area of the NingXia Valley in North Central China, along the Yellow River where the soil in rich in nutrients and trace mineral.

Not only are they grown in the ‘herbal heart of China’ but these particular berries are grown on a dedicated 1000 hectares and are the “super” grade which costs around 40% more than the smaller “grade A” berries more commonly sold.

Each 50 grams of the dried product contains approximately 230 of the “super” classified goji berries which means there is more flesh, more skin, more nutrients, fewer seeds and sweeter in taste.

The farm Absolute Red berries are grown has been awared the prestigious ‘Green Certificate’, the equivalent of the USDA’s Organic Certification.

There are no chemicals used in the growing stages, nor are any sprays, colourings or preservatives used in the drying process. These berries (from the oldest and most established vines) are layed out to be sun dried just hours after they are shaken from the trees.

You can eat them (like raisins) on their own as a snack, with cereal, mixed with salads, substituted for sultanas or other dried fruit in cooking.


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